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Saturday, 31 October 2020

Bliss and the bigger picture

 I saw this at the online publication The Conversation:

In 2011, golfer Rory McIlroy experienced a very public performance meltdown at the prestigious Masters tournament. Later, McIlroy went to Haiti as Unicef ambassador, witnessing the damage caused by the 2010 earthquake which devastated the country.

“You’ve just been in a place where millions of people have no clean water, and millions of kids get no education, and you’re nervous about hitting a golf ball into some water!” he later told sports writer Paul Kimmage. 

 Something the article does not mention is the pressures placed on footballing goalkeepers as 'last line of defence' and the high level of suicides among footballers, particularly goalkeepers.

Friday, 30 October 2020

Poetry for Wellbeing

 Adapted from e-mail sent last night to Hereford Times newspaper:

Dear Letters Editor

Nigel Heath writes: “At the beginning of the lockdown back in March, I decided to write a poem a day as a stay-at-home-challenge….

“There is so much one can say in a poem, perhaps to express joy about some aspect of being out in nature or about something you have found funny or about actually any subject you can think of.” (Letter, Oct. 29, 2020)

Financial and career-ladder immobility lockdown for disadvantaged people has existed long before Covid-19. An ‘Employment Rehabilitation Centre’ (ERC) Social Worker told my parents in 1978, “Yes, Alan [then aged 24] has an academic brain, but he’s too slow to ever gain from further government-funded education and training. It just wouldn’t be worth it. He’ll just have to learn to lower his sights.”

While the system never helped me get sustainable waged work and I was never properly signposted to disability benefit entitlement until 2009 — despite six weeks ‘vocational assessment period’ at ERC three decades earlier! — I got more skilful through self-expression and self-directed learning despite an unfair system, especially as “too many gaps in your employment history” proved a barrier. Yet as I wrote a troubled 21 year old poetic soul on Universal Credit recently, writing for self-expression helps us ‘get a handle on things’ and while it might not make us stars it helps makes us better survivors as we find our own meaning in what we are going through.

In some of my poems, I expressed a deep rage rather than turning that rage inwards against myself with disastrous mental health consequences. I realised in terms of the bigger picture that I was not being punished for “a birth defect”(1) but maltreated.(2)


“NHS Digital’s 2019-20 Mental Health Act statistics report ... states that there were 147.9 Mental Health Act detentions per 100,000 people in the most deprived tenth of areas, while the least deprived areas tenth recorded a rate of 42.8 detentions per 100,000. Data for other areas showed a clear link between deprivation and detention risk.”(3)

I applied skills and understanding to what I was facing. What do Hereford’s Tory MPs apply as elected public servants?

Alan Wheatley


1. ERC Occupational Psychologist to me: “…. birth defect [sic]. There’s nothing more we can do to help you here. You [sic] will be terminated at the end of next week.”
2. Example poem:
They’re Robbing Themselves

Some laws are made behind our backs —
Such as subjecting dole money to income tax.
Do cushioned bureaucrats in Whitehall
Have any love for me at all?

Here am I: long unemployed
‘Twixt them and me an awful void:
On their work they seem to thrive
While the poor are struggling to survive.

What must it take for them to see
That they’re robbing themselves
Of their humanity?

Yet while they make it ever harder
I must pray for them with greater ardour.

Alan the Poet Therapeutic
(c) 1982 by Alan Raymond Wheatley

Mental Health Act detentions three times higher in most than least deprived areas, as race gap widens

Social work leader calls for action to tackle root causes of mental health crisis as annual statistics show clear link between deprivation and risk of detention

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

SMK Campaigner Awards 2020

 Sheila McKechnie Campaigner Awards Ceremony 2020 on youtube

The video is 1:30:36 in full, but you can safely click on to the start point at about the 15:20 mark.

I would advise those thinking of getting into the youtube video that the output is very loud, especially if you are listening via headphones. Thus it would be best if you turn the volume slide on your computer down quite low, like this:


Youtube volume control is at bottom left of online video

Main contents headings:

  • SMK National Campaigner Awards 2020 virtual ceremony. Do you want to feel inspired? Introduction
  • Best Digital Campaign
  • Best Use of Law
  • Best Consumer Campaign
  • Best Coalition
  • Amplifying Unheard Voices
  • Tweets about the award ceremony
  • Message from Gordon Brown as founder-sponsor of Sheila McKechnie Foundation
  • Best Community Campaign
  • David & Goliath
  • Young Persons Award
  • Outstanding Leadership
  • Long-Term Achievement Award


Outlining by Alan Wheatley

Neoliberal timeline: food poverty UK

On Wednesday, Oct 21, “a majority of MPs [including Herefordshire’s MPs] voted against [the ‘sticking plaster’ of] directly funding free school meals over the school holidays until Easter 2021,”(1) and yet on Wednesday, Oct 14, the Express had written, “Benefits are important to millions of people right across the country. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is set to take action which could mean the bank accounts and social media of claimants are monitored” (2).

All very convenient at this time for a vindictive government that penalises poor people while such monitoring goes against the General Data Protection Register (an EU regulation) and non-declaration of income can be regarded as a claimant’s DIY ‘sticking plaster’ in desperate times. I offer the following timeline to outline what neoliberal government does not want us to know.

In November 2006, welfare rights adviser Neil Bateman reported on the impact of 21m phone calls (44% of all incoming calls to Jobcentre Plus helplines) going unanswered in 2004-5 (“Delays in processing claims and changes of circumstances – six weeks is common – leaving people destitute….”);(3) and in May 2007 of a rise in charities providing food to poor families [under Tony ‘Tea with Margaret Thatcher’ Blair’s government].(4)

In October 2007, David Cameron as Leader of the Opposition ignored the destitution caused by Jobcentre Plus failings and declared that ‘tougher sanctions’ against benefit claimants’ would help create a fairer economy.(5)

Post 2010 General Election and during David Cameron’s national leadership, and Universal Credit’s statutory delays, how did ‘tougher sanctions’ impact on society? In January 2015, Glasgow U. Law Professor Dr David Webster reported that:

  • Sanctions imposed on benefit claimants by the DWP exceed the number of fines imposed by the courts
  • sanctioned claimants are treated much worse than those fined in the courts with much harsher penalties
  • decisions are made by officials who have no independent responsibility to act lawfully; since the Social Security Act 1998 they have been mere agents of the Secretary of State
  • ‘Mandatory Reconsideration’ is a major barrier to tribunal justice. 

He concluded:

“Sanctions undermine physical and mental health, cause hardship for family and friends, damage relationships, create homelessness and drive people to Food Banks and payday lenders, and to crime. They also often make it harder to look for work. Taking these negatives into account, they cannot be justified.

“Benefit sanctions are an amateurish, secret penal system which is more severe than the mainstream judicial system, but lacks its safeguards. It is time for everyone concerned for the rights of the citizen to demand their abolition.”(6)

Now, Charlie Spring in the November-December 2020 issue of New Internationalist magazine reports: “[T]he UK has long seen patchworked food assistance, especially within faith communities. But foodbank provision rose steeply following the recession of 2008 and the austerity that followed. In 2011 major food-aid network The Trussel Trust reported nearly 130,000 instances of people receiving food. By 2015 this had jumped to 1.1 million and by March 2020, the annual figure sat at 1.9 million.”(7)

What will News Forwards from Alan Wheatley readers do about these injustices? What drove Florence Nightingale to accomplish what she did? She answered quite simply, “Rage.”(8)

Driven by rage and love

Alan Wheatley


  7. New Internationalist magazine November-December 2020 issue print edition is available through good newsagents and/or by subscription via

Monday, 26 October 2020

Parliamentary constituents making news


They Work For You website notes how MPs voted
TheyWorkForYou website record of how our MPs voted on
Free school Meals During School Holidays

Letter to Hereford Times

Daily Mirror reports that a Lancashire shop has banned the local Tory MP after he voted against free school meals, while Yorkshire Live reports that Rishi Sunak and all Tory MPs have been banned from a North Yorkshire pub for the same stance against poor families.(1)(2)

What actions will Hereford Times readers take against Herefordshire MPs Jesse Norman and Bill Wiggin for also helping defeat the extension of free school meals, particularly as Jesse Norman is First Secretary of the Treasury and Bill Wiggin has links with offshore finance?(3)

In 2017, Bill Wiggin responded to "a front page story in the Hereford Times outlining his position as managing director of an offshore financial company by stating that the article was 'not news'."(3)

As the Daily Mirror and YorkshireLive stories emphasise, constituents can help to make the news, whereas my experience of Jesse Norman MP is that he tends to 'note' my views while voting against them, and the top-ups to Bill Wiggin's basic MP salary could pay for several school meals.

Alan Wheatley



Saturday, 24 October 2020

The truth about Zane Gbangbola

 Guest blog post, by Nigel Gilbert of Betrayed By Their [NHS] Trust


Ingra and I joined over 200 other people last night in a Zoom meeting organised by the parents of the late Zane Gbangbola, who would have been 14 yesterday had he lived.. 

Zane died due to flood water entering the basement of the family home by the Thames in early 2014 and releasing Hydrogen Cyanide. Since then the bereaved parents have been compelled to fight a campaign to obtain the truth from a corrupt establishment of many agencies which stand shoulder to shoulder denying justice to them.

The basic facts are that the fire services detected Hydrogen Cyanide at the home. Matt Wrack leader of the Fire Brigades Union spoke last night to confirm this. Yet right from the start there was denial. It was claimed that the death was caused by Carbon Monoxide caused by a faulty generator in the house. No such generator was running. It was denied that there was ever a landfill site behind the house. The inquest ruled accidental death caused by Carbon Monoxide poisoning. 

Since then it has been established that there was a landfill site perfectly well known to the authorities, who allowed houses to be built. It was even recognised four years before Zane's death that it posed a threat to life. But the only reaction of the authorities was to provide gas protection to their own properties. 

At the inquest Zane's parents faced a phalanx of lawyers, but they themselves were denied legal aid.

Professor Phil Scraton, who was involved in the Hillsboro inquiry and wrote a book on it, drew parallels with the corrupt response to that disaster. Multiple agencies denied the truth. 

The meeting last night called for an inquiry panel with full disclosure. Damningly this inquiry must be independent of the state and need look at documents only. This implies the abject corruption of the state.

Those of us involved in BBTT will be unsurprised by any of this. We are used to the denials of multiple agencies, the corruption of inquests etc.

The Labour Party is very supportive. Richard Burgon and David Lammy spoke last night. Starmer and Burnham have also been supportive. But you will recall that justice for Zane was specified in Corbyn's manifesto. His successors will get the credit but I wonder whether they will attend to the issue of widespread corruption or just treat the case as a one-off. 


Reverse cuts to union learning


To: Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education

Reverse the cuts to union learning

The government's plans to cut the Union Learning Fund in England means hundreds of thousands of workers will miss out on skills and training.

Sign the petition calling on the government to reverse cuts to union learning and ensure working people can access education and skills training.

More at

Shahrar Ali wins vs Jewish Chronicle

BREAKING NEWS: SHAHRAR ALI WINS IPSO RULING AGAINST JEWISH CHRONICLE ANTISEMITISM SMEARS! Press Regulator forces to publish retraction of its false statements made about Green Party Home Affairs spokesperson during 2019 General Election!


Why Alan says 'No' to 1200 new 'homes' at Three Elms, Hereford

  I have just submitted the following Planning Objection re Planning Application to build at Three Elms (P162920) to

The prospective car-dependency impact of this development would worsen Herefordshire Council's prospects for carbon neutrality by 2030, and in day time this is currently a great area for walking in in daytime that I frequently encounter in walking from Belmont to Grandstand Road Co-op, Bobblestock.

    The prospective car-dependency impact of this development would worsen Herefordshire Council's prospects for carbon neutrality by 2030, and in day time this is currently a great area for walking in in that I frequently encounter in walking from Belmont to Grandstand Road Co-op, Bobblestock. This currently allows pedestrians ability to use road as an extension of pavement for 'social distancing', but burgeoning car-dependency in that area would worsen realities for existing locals.

    Further, the inclusion of a community centre in the revised proposals are devoid of viability. Lockdown realities restrict accesss to community centres, and worsen residents' experience of being 'caged in' in living spaces that have got progressively smaller over the past century as developers and planners operate on the basis that THEY THEMSELVES will never have to live in the spaces that they design.

    Overcrowding only increases their profits and social inequalities, their aloofness. Lockdown has led at least one community centre to file for bankruptcy due to lost booking revenues, as I wrote recently in Hereford Times published letter, citing Kingsgate Community Association, London NW6.

    Developers' detachment from local realities also reflects on the poor targeting of the site in terms of hydro-geology. So I urge the planning regulators to say a resounding NO to the developers' proposals for what could not really be called 'homes'. As land owners, perhaps the Church Commissioners concerned are more like the money lenders Christ threw out of the temple than they are followers of His doctrines?

Alan Wheatley

Further reading available at


Monday, 19 October 2020

To food labels, and beyond!

 The below is one I posted last night, in response to an Hereford Times reader's letter response to the HT's 'Buy British' campaign.

Hereford Times: It's apple season,
so let's buy British!

Dear Letters Editor

Writing regarding the importance of buying locally sourced food, Elizabeth Gwynne points out that packaging of th supposedly ‘farm fresh’ produce for a cauliflower she bought in a country shop was labelled ‘Country of Origin: Poland’ and notes, “Presumably the wages of those working on the land there, producing mushrooms, are so low that despite the costs of flight etc, the UK business people can still retail at a profit.” (Letters, October 15.)

Julian Day Rose’s book ‘In Deference of Life’ gives a detailed analysis of such trading practices with a special focus on Poland. Before Poland exited the Warsaw Pact, Polish farming served local communities, yet Poland’s debt crisis on exiting the Soviet empire led to a restructuring of the Polish economy. 'Structural adjustment’ directives of the International Monetary Fund, and the ‘bail out’ terms of the World Bank and European Central Bank and their economic principles were culpable. A reviewer writes: “Rose is critical of Europe’s subsidy system and the way it pays per hectare regardless of farm size, favouring big farms. He goes to the heart of what it means for farmers on Europe’s new industrial frontier – Poland – describing his personal battles to stop small farmers there being driven out of business...

A reason there are so many Polish workers in the UK, as a Social Researcher and ‘critical friend’ of the EU told me, is basically because of what the West did to the Polish economy as it leapt to the West.

Yet there is or was more hope for a small-scale and local future for farming in the UK by remaining in the EU than by the vulnerability associated with Brexit, a nonproportional electoral system and ‘"whatever next?" terms and conditions’ — especially post Covid-19 lockdown! The Head of the World Bank now says, “[P]eople, even the world’s poorest and most destitute, are required to pay their government’s debts as long as creditors pursue claims.. In the worst cases, it’s the modern equivalent of debtor’s prison.” As Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now writes: "If the head of the World Bank can call the global financial system a ‘debtors’ prison’ anything is possible."(2)

I believe international co-operation and democratic transformation from within trading blocs is key.

Alan Raymond Wheatley

Saturday, 17 October 2020

PM calls for an end to 'freedom passes' in London

 The Independent Newspaper announces:

TfL told to hike fares and strip elderly of free travel to access new £1bn bailout

Measures including extending congestion charge area ‘totally unacceptable to the mayor’, source says

Transport for London (TfL) has been offered an additional billion pounds in bailout money from the government - along with further demands for fare hikes and cuts to free travel entitlements for children and pensioners, it has been reported.

The capital’s transport operator, which is overseen by the mayor’s office, first received a cash injection from the government in May on the condition the operator raise the congestion charge by 30 per cent and temporarily stop free travel initiatives for children and those over 60.

However as public transport has continued to drop to unprecedented levels due to the impact of the coronavirus on daily life, the government is understood to have offered a further £1bn to add to the previous £1.6bn financial boost.

Sources close to the talks cited by Reuters said TfL had been told by ministers that any funding would have to be accompanied by ending remaining free travel entitlements and hiking up fares....

 More at

Claimants of 'working age benefits' are accustomed to endless 'conditionality' and sanctions imposed upon them by central Government, and this Tory Government is already increasing the 'working age benefits' franchise by steadily gazumping the state retirement age, "work until you drop dead of exhaustion from pointless Universal Credit Claimant Commitment 'conditionality';" but London's 60+ Oyster Card helps keep London moving and reduces Global Warming while alleviating poverty among those unlikely to ever find paid work again.

Meanwhile, in Herefordshire, the Shire Council in a two-Tory safe seats area has plans for reducing congestion and Global Warming by measures including extending public transport. And Hereford &  South MP Jesse Norman is First Secretary to the Treasury. What conditionality might be lumbered upon this democratically elected coalition council comprising Independent, Its Our County and Green Party councillors [in order of numbers of council seats]?


Revitalised by Recognition


'The Sun' card. Source: Rider-Waite Tarot pack
'The Sun' card. Source: Rider-Waite Tarot pack

Negative life-experiences, properly re-evaluated, can help us define what we really want out of life. I believe I gained that insight at least partially from reading Dorothy Leeds’ Secrets of Successful Interviews: How to Get the Job You Really Want in 1998, as well as from earlier, 1984-86 experience of psychotherapy. (Secrets of Successful Interviews has clearly been since reformulated and updated as Marketing Yourself: The Ultimate Job Seeker's Guide.)

That insight was made more alive for me by way of the interviewing skills of a recruitment agency's founder, Jacquie, in 1999. She asked me about the supports I would require in my ideal job. I recited a work placement experience in which my line-manager had been the CEO of my employer (whom I had previously known through shared volunteering in childminding), my workbase was my training provider’s facilities and line-manager never visited me on placement except for three interviews with training provider’s Placements Officer in an 8 week placement. “I would like good supervision,” I stated, while I recalled that the CEO too busy with other things never really gave me that and later emphasised my failure to meet deadlines.

“Don’t you really mean that you would require recognition?” Jacquie replied, and I resonated with that insight.


I recall that interview insight as I reflect on the resurgence I gained recently by the revival of my rapport with Hereford Times letters pages, and the impact on me from a research-oriented telephone interview I received yesterday by way of referral by Alison Mann as Kundalini Yoga teacher to both the researcher and me.

In the telephone interview, I was asked about my resilience under lockdown, and we clarified the definition of ‘resilience’. I said that I take the approach that I’m a survivor, whatever has happened to me in the past, and I have a lot more scope as a state pensioner on more-than-’working age benefits’ and free of the shackles of a Universal Credit ‘Claimant Commitment’ that is oriented to getting the claimant off the unemployment register more than it is to helping the claimant get the job they really want.

I referred to a sense of life purpose as an essential ingredient in my resilience — my capacity to bounce back from whatever happens to me: “I’m an expert witness, applying verbal literacy skills and ‘expert witness’ testimony, rather than a victim of life’s circumstances and waste of space.”

I felt revitalised by that interview, whereas I would no doubt feel drained by interactions with someone who probably had no experience of recruitment experience from the recruiter’s point of view and yet professed to providing “the help you need, when you need it.” (Namely, a Universal Credit 'workcoach'.)

Thus, last night I responded to a friend’s feedback on my latest Hereford Times published letter that provided the impetus for blog posts:

After a very stimulating research conversation with University of South Wales counselling course student re lockdown and access to wellbeing promoting therapies such as Yoga this afternoon, I had a fresh burst of blogging impetus, in which I gave loads of info related to what I told the student/researcher: that for far too many people, financial lockdown has long preceded Covid-19 lockdown.

And before that blog post, I noted that the print issue of New Internationalist magazine referred to in the 'Agenda for a Caring Economy' posting, is not on the New Internationalist home page, but there is this reference to related online article about the skewed values of the Global Economy
Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies of the current economic system is that while the caring that props up national economies is an underrecognised form of modern slavery, carers and the people who need their care are treated as expendable. That is instanced by, say, the fact that downgrading a claimant's entitlement to Personal Independence Payment that replaces Disability Living Allowance also downgrades the carer's prospects of getting Carer's Allowance.

Alan Wheatley

Friday, 16 October 2020

Agenda for a Caring Economy

 A news 'scoop' that I was told about at Sandalls Newsagent, Sandall Road, Hereford HR4 told me of when I got my print copy of Hereford Times yesterday was that the November-December 2020 issue of New Internationalist magazine is now in print. (That 'scoop' has not yet made it to the New Internationalist home page!)

New Internationalist magazine, Nov-Dec 2020 cover

 In the 'editor's letter', Amy Hall writes:

Home Truths

 An innocent question: "How are you feeling about the care magazine?" my housemate asked me over coffee. "Angry" was my answer, in fact, I've spent a large part of the Covid-19 pandemic feeling this way, with the issue of care a major focal point of my rage.

 I'm vexed about the glaring inequality in who does care work and domestic labour — in the 'wider world' and in my personal life. I'm enraged about the lack of recognition and the disrespect often displayed for the (mostly) women and/or racialised people doing this work and how they, along with people who may need their care, are treated as expendable.

But there is hope: 2020 has demonstrated our interdependence and plenty of people have shown up to make sure people are cared for — friend or stranger. There has also been an outpouring of public appreciation. Over the peak of the pandemic here in Britain, Thursday evening's 'clap for carers' was a highlight for my nurse housemate and her three year old, who would bang on everyone's bedroom doors to remind us. Although many key workers loved it, for others the applause was hollow without concrete changens to their pay and working conditions.

This issue's Big Story explores care in its widest sense and its, often conveniently ignored, relationship with the wider economy. In the magazine we hear from people who are navigating this in a system which too often treats them with contempt.

Elsewhere in this edition, Stepanie Boyd reports from the Peruvian Amazon on how indigenous people, especially hard hit by the pandemic, are fighting for survival. Rahia Gupta makes the case for 'political blackness' and our food justice series questions the rise of food banks as a solution to world hunger.

And I know from my past as a Community Care magazine reader from 1998 to 2011 — ie, before it lost its interest for service user and unpaid carers' issues and focused more on the managerialism and privatisation agendas that Social Work Action Network (SWAN) opposes — and Green Party of England & Wales Spokesperson on Social Care between 2008 and 2011, of the enormous undervaluing of carers in the UK economy. One of the online articles that Community Care magazine website has not yet jetisoned is

I was also in contact with CarerWatch, an online network of family-based carers. 

Carer Watch Blog homepage, 16 Oct 2020
The Carer Watch Blog was last update 6 March 2017 —
Testimony to the burnout carers experience under ever-increasing
"lack of recognition and the disrespect often displayed for the (mostly) women
and/or racialised people doing this work and how they,
along with people who may need their care,
are treated as expendable,"
as Amy Hall's New Internationalist editor's letter describes the issue

Further, I would mention that Gingerbread One Parent Families website alerted me to the fact that 1/7 of single parent families were family carers of disabled children, or were themselves disabled, while the Tory Conference spin kept asserting that the benefits system was overloaded with feckless teenage parents. Gingerbread sources for those figures? Department for Work & Pensions data!

Gingerbread: Single Parents Facts & Figures
Gingerbread: Single Parents Facts & Figures

Further, there is


#Care Income Now - Global Women's Strike
for all Caring Work for People & Planet

New Internationalist magazine print edition, priced at £7.45, can be ordered through good newsagents. 

New Internationalist: The Hidden Debt of Care
New Internationalist: The Hidden Debt of Care —
Covid-19 has pushed the world' caregivers to the limit and
beyond. Amy Hall explains how their work continues to be
undermined and undervalued



Alan Wheatley


Global economy as debtor's prison — Newint

This is the current lead article at New Internationalist magazine homepage:

It's official: The Global Economy is a Debtor's Prison - 20 Oct 2020
New Internationalist online lead story, 16 Oct 2020:
It's official: The Global Economy is a 'Debtor's Prison'

 This is the current lead story at New Internationalist magazine home page:

It’s official, the global economy is a ‘debtor’s prison’

As the World Bank and IMF sound the alarm on debts driven sky high by Covid-19 in some of the world’s poorest nations, Nick Dearden explains why debt ‘relief’ will not cut it – we need system change....

More at

Transparency in law enforcement

Hereford Times October 15 comment ‘Enforcement should be transparent’ informs us of police procedure and guidelines while a take-away outlet subjected to Covid-19 rules infringement fine of £1000 remains anonymous. Comment concludes, “Such secrecy risks undermining faith in a system that effectively imposes punishments without the public oversight that is part of the justice system.”

Hereford takeaway breaks 10pm hospitality curfew

Hereford takeaway breaks 10pm hospitality curfew

There are potential dangers in ‘naming and shaming’, but identifying targeted ‘culprits’ can help highlight prejudices on the part of those doing the targeting.

At start of secondary schooling in Birmingham in 1965 I was subjected to 'shaming' by some peers after Year 1 class teacher informed those new little fish in a big pool who had shifted from being big fish in smaller ponds, that I had a disability. “Spas,” "The Handicap" and “Mongol Spastic” I was subsequently called in the parlance of the time. The 'shaming' in a predominantly White school took a new twist when I mentioned that I had been born in West Africa: I was then called ‘The White Wog’ and told that my father was “still swinging through the trees in Africa.” (My White UK national parents had just separated and I was an outsider or ‘immigrant’ upon moving from primary schooling in Staffordshire.)

We live in more enlightened times, both in terms of racial equality and the understandings brought about by the Social Model of Disability, which states that disability arises from social structures and prejudices rather than from culpable failings on the part of the person with an impairment.

But how enlightened are our police? In August, Liberty — formerly the National Council for Civil Liberties — revealed with the aid of Crime Prosecution Service data — that no police detentions of potentially infectious people under the Coronavirus Act were correct, while police were up to seven times more likely to fine people of colour than white people.(1)

Alan Wheatley

Green transport and disabled people

Winvisible's letter to Camden New Journal has strong resonances for other places, too!

 Alan Wheatley

Green transport: disabled people refuse to be pitted vs cyclists

Cartoon of solar-powered scooter — thanks to Stephen Lee Hodgkins
Cartoon of solar-powered scooter — thanks to Stephen Lee Hodgkins


Our letter in the Camden New Journal:

24 September, 2020

• DISABLED people refuse to be pitted against cyclists, e-scooter riders and others changing to transport that doesn’t pollute the air we all breathe – pollution which is killing so many people.

Camden Council and Transport for London should not be installing cycle lanes without considering their impact on disabled people, who face barriers getting around. Wiping out pavement ramps and disability parking is against equality law.

Pavements need to be fully accessible at all times, otherwise people using wheelchairs and mobility scooters are forced into the narrow cycle lanes with batons, which is dangerous and problematic.

Binmen and women should be allowed time to put back recycling bins so they aren’t left out blocking the pavement; this inaccessibility is created by companies maximising their profits and by a cheaper contract for the council. “Eat out” café tables should not take the whole pavement.

To install a cycle lane in Fleet Road, disabled bays were suspended for nearly a month. No alternative parking or protection from penalties was offered to disabled residents who need to park yards from our front door. Other residents resent disabled neighbours taking their bays which they have paid an expensive permit for.

A sign suspending disabled parking for roadworks

 Now the works are supposedly complete but no ramped kerbs either side on Cressy Road. Where are wheelchair users supposed to cross?

Cressy Road with no ramped kerbs and blister paving with a step down
Cressy Road with no ramped kerbs and blister paving with a step down

Will visually impaired people who use the pavement pimples to find the kerb, know there is a step down? We didn’t get any answer from the council roadworks team.

After lockdown, diesel and petrol vehicles are back with a vengeance. Bad bus design means that two wheelchair users can’t travel together on the same bus, and we’re made to compete for space with mums with buggies.

Coping with disability and caring for children are both hard work, made harder by lack of access and poverty inflicted on family carers and disabled people.

It’s more obvious than ever that free, fully accessible, clean, public transport is urgently needed for the climate, pollution and poverty emergencies.

Contact us if you want to take on the council about the inaccessibility they are creating. Tel: 020 7482 2496 or email

WinVisible – Women with Visible & Invisible Disabilities



Winvisible speaking at right to food seminar

 Received from Winvisible (Women with Visible and Invisible Disabilities), a London-based organisation. (Sorry for delayed posting, I've only just got notification from my inbox.)

Find out more about WinVisible at

WinVisible is speaking at this online event for the Right to Food, held tomorrow morning, on UN World Food Day.

Webinar 10am to 11am. Free registration here

The Right to Food — webinar Friday 16 Oct 2020

The Right to Food: A World Food Day Event
The Right to Food: A World Food Day Event

Right to Food webinar organised by the Right to Food project at Sustain and HEAR Network as part of London Challenge Poverty Week — photo of a fruit stall.

This webinar is organised by the Right to Food project at Sustain: the Alliance for Better Food and Farming and HEAR the pan-equality London network, as part of London Challenge Poverty Week. Info below from the joint organisers:

We will hear from speakers about what they believe needs to happen in order to ensure that all Londoners have their right to food respected.


About this Event

“On this webinar we will hear from a range of speakers from across London who will talk about the many barriers than Londoners face in achieving their right to food and also crucially what needs to happen in order for this right to be a reality.

We will hear from:

Women Inspiring New Generations (WINGS). WINGS is a group of women who, with their young children, come together through Praxis to nurture their wellbeing, build new positive relationships and find respite from the demands of everyday life. WINGS mums also discuss issues that affect them, and share knowledge and experience in order to build solidarity and strength.

Deidre ‘Dee’ Woods is an award-winning cook, community food educator, urban agriculturalist, broadcaster, and researcher, with over 25 years’ experience of working in diverse communities. In 2016 she was awarded BBC Food and Farming Awards, Cook of the Year. Dee is a Visiting Research Associate at CAWR, Coventry University, a member of the GLA London Food Board, the Community Food Growers Network (CFGN) and is co-founder of Granville Community Kitchen. Dee is co-editor of A People’s Food Policy and a member of Community Food Growers Network (CFGN). Dee is also a trustee of Sustain the Alliance for Better Food and Farming.

Clara Widdison, Kitchen Social project manager for Mayor’s Fund for London. Clara has been at the forefront of developing community food models in the UK for the past five years. She was a part of the team who developed the ground-breaking social supermarket model, Community Shop. Clara holds a MSc in Food Policy from City, University of London. Her qualitative research into motivation and barriers to purchasing fresh produce within a low income community won the City University and Worshipful Company of Cook’s Award in 2017. She is a 2019/20 Churchill Fellow.

Claire Glasman is from WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities), a grassroots multi-racial organisation of women of all backgrounds, including disabled asylum seekers. We provide self-help information, peer support, campaigning. We help disabled women secure benefits, and campaign against the hated disability benefit tests and with relatives of disabled claimants who starved after being cut off. Having enough money to buy healthy food, food delivery, getting support to cook and eat, and tackling discrimination are all vital. The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee quoted our testimony in their report on food supply during COVID-19. We support a Care Income for people and planet, mothers and other carers against poverty and hunger. Find us on Twitter at @WinVisibleWomen

Imogen Richmond-Bishop, right to food project coordinator and Atlantic Fellow 2020-2021.

London Challenge Poverty Week takes place from 12 to 18 October 2020 and is a chance for us to raise our voices against poverty in the capital and show what needs to be done to sort it out.

If you have any access or communication needs to support you to attend and take part in this Zoom event, for example BSL interpretation etc. please email: as soon as possible after registration, telling us what you need.”

Women with Visible & Invisible Disabilities' home page, 16 Oct 2020
Women with Visible & Invisible Disabilities' home page, 16 Oct 2020