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Friday 9 August 2019

Vote for Policies and Make Votes Matter for true, informed debate, democracy

Yesterday morning, I blogged Government's funding proposal for Sizewell C proposed nuclear reactor exemplifies 'government by market forces'.

Reflecting on this and its 'silly season' timing exacerbated by the 'no deal Brexit' smokescreen of a 'debate', I came up with the heading for this blog post. One of the great tragedies of the FPTP (First Past the Post) voting system's unfairness in the UK is that it bolsters an alienation between the electorate and the political establishment. In the backdrop of such alienation, paid political lobbyists and the megabucks funders of the mainstream political parties dominate, as do the lobbyists of the big UK 'charities' that only purport to support the disadvantaged people they are supposed to represent. Do political pollsters reflect public opinion or manipulate it? And what about the prospect of Voting for Policies?

And I note that Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom's brother-in-law, one family step removed from her husband, is a major funder of the Tory Party.  

Opposing FPTP and its hangers on is the cross-party campaigning organisation, Make Votes Matter: The Movement for Proportional Representation.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about others, but I would prefer that the 'pie chart' graphics outlining the statistics of how people voted did not disappear as quickly as they are introduced.
